What is the Joy of Living?

The Joy of Living is a path of meditation study and practice that can be followed by anyone, regardless of religious or cultural background. It was designed by Mingyur Rinpoche to fulfill two primary needs: (1) to offer a comprehensive course of meditation training for those who are interested in learning how to meditate in a secular format, and (2) to provide a grounding in basic meditation principles and practices for those who are interested in formal Buddhist practice.

The goal of this program is to help us discover a lasting contentment that is not subject to the fluctuating conditions of our lives and to nurture the qualities of wisdom and compassion that naturally manifest from awareness itself. Meditation is taught as a practical tool to explore the landscape of the heart and mind and uncover the richness of the present moment.

The practices taught in the Joy of Living, though rooted in the ancient Buddhist teachings of Tibet, are not religious in nature. They address basic qualities of the mind, such as mindful awareness and the movements toward happiness and away from suffering. By working with these qualities of mind, we gradually transform our relationship to present–moment experience, learning to approach every thought, feeling, and sensory experience with unconditional warmth and acceptance.

What is meant by “joy” in the Joy of Living?

Mingyur Rinpoche’s intention in the Joy of Living program is to help us develop familiarity with awareness. As our practice progresses, our mind will naturally return on its own to its naturally vast, spacious state. Experiences of all kinds will continue to occur in our lives — thoughts and feelings will continue to come up — but we’ll be able to view them from a more expansive perspective. This makes it possible to live a life rooted in well-being, regardless of the inevitable ups and downs of experience. This lasting, fundamental well-being is what is meant by “joy” in the Joy of Living.

Joy is not the absence of suffering, the absence of challenges, or the absence of anything else. Living with joy means developing a sense of inner well-being that allows us to embrace whatever the present moment offers.

How do I start the Joy of Living path?

You can start your journey with a short Anytime Anywhere Meditation program that is designed to make meditation accessible and practical for modern life, and to provide a first introduction to our innate qualities of awareness, compassion and wisdom. 

How do I progress through the Joy of Living path?

There are three levels of meditation training in the Joy of Living program, each of them focusing on discovering and nurturing a different quality of present–moment experience.

In Joy of Living Level 1: Calming the Mind, we learn how awareness itself is a source of lasting contentment and how we can use any experience, even painful feelings and difficult thoughts, as a gateway to inner peace.

In Joy of Living Level 2: Opening the Heart, we see how the simple desires to be happy and free from suffering are rooted in loving-kindness and compassion, and how we can nurture these qualities and extend them to others.

In Joy of Living Level 3: Awakening Wisdom, we learn how rigid beliefs keep us locked in a cycle of dissatisfaction and anxiety, and how relating to things as they actually are, rather than through the distorting lens of preconceived ideas and emotional reactions, can help us discover the basic purity and goodness of our true nature.

What classes and events are available in the Joy of Living program?

There are numerous ways to study and practice the Joy of Living program: 

  • Self-paced Joy of Living online platform

  • Synchronous workshops with Tergar Guides

  • Meditation workshops

  • Practice retreats

Meditation groups meet regularly to explore Mingyur Rinpoche’s teachings with the support of a community of meditators. You can learn more about here

How does the Joy of Living relate to the Path of Liberation?

The Joy of Living and Path of Liberation are not two different paths. The Joy of Living introduces awareness, loving kindness and compassion, and wisdom teachings in a manner accessible to anyone, regardless of their religious or spiritual background. The Path of Liberation builds upon the Joy of Living teachings and practices and is intended for those interested in pursuing the Buddha’s teachings as their primary spiritual path. In this sense, the Path of Liberation can be viewed as an extension of the teachings presented in the Joy of Living, offering more advanced practices and teachings rooted in traditional Buddhist practice.

How should Buddhists relate to the Joy of Living?

The Joy of Living, while presented in a secular format, draws on core teachings of the Buddhist tradition. The Joy of Living teachings should be viewed as the foundation for formal Buddhist practice. It is expected that all those who study the Buddha’s teachings in the Tergar Meditation Community not only practice and study the Joy of Living teachings but also return to these teachings again and again throughout their lives.

How should non-Buddhists relate to the Joy of Living?

The Joy of Living teachings, while rooted in Tibetan Buddhist traditions, focus on universal qualities of the human mind, such as awareness and compassion. The program offers a complete meditation training path without requiring participants to become Buddhist or even express interest in Buddhism. The emphasis is on practical benefits that can be applied by anyone, regardless of their spiritual or religious background.

More Questions?

If you have more questions, please feel free to contact us at info@tergar.org. We’d be happy to answer any questions you have.

For an overview of the prerequisites and completion requirements for each level of the Joy of Living program, please go to the My Path feature here