Tergar Minneapolis / St. Paul

Under the guidance of Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, Tergar Minneapolis / St. Paul holds drop-in meditation groups, retreats, workshops, and classes on meditation and Tibetan Buddhism. This page provides information on Upcoming Events and Ongoing Programs. We invite you to join us!

Please join our local newsletter email list if you are interested in staying updated on what is happening within the Tergar Minneapolis / St. Paul community. Another way to stay connected within the community is by joining our Slack channel.


Ongoing Meditation Groups

If you are a beginning meditator and would like to learn more, or if you are a seasoned practitioner and would like to deepen your practice, please join us as we explore the practice of meditation.

  • Weekly Online Tuesday Night Meditation Group (follow link to learn more), 7:00 – 8:30 PM U.S. Central Time

  • Weekly Online Saturday Nectar of the Path Practice, 11:00 – 12:30 PM U.S. Central Time

    • Nectar of the Path is a concise liturgy that was composed by Mingyur Rinpoche to distill the key points of the Buddhist path as a reminder for daily practice.

    • There is a discussion period from 11:00 – 11:30 AM where members of the community check-in and discuss anything that’s coming up in their practice.

    • The practice goes from 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM

    • This is session is free and open to all of Mingyur Rinpoche’s students.

    • Join our newsletter or contact [email protected] for information on how to join.

Peer-Led Discussion Groups

Peer-led discussion groups at Tergar Minneapolis-St. Paul create ways for people to come together as peers around shared interests or identities. Such groups can be tremendously supportive to a meditation practice, in building community ties, and in enabling members to explore aspects of practice that interest them. Learn more about forming groups here. View a list of active groups here.


Please consider volunteering with Tergar Minneapolis/St. Paul! We’re lookin got connect with community members that are interested in the following areas:

  • Zoom hosts for Joy of Living Workshops (6-8 week commitment depending on course)

  • Zoom hosts for hybrid and/or online community programs and gatherings (variable commitment depending on program schedule & volunteer availability/interest)

  • Operators for hybrid event tech equipment (variable commitment depending on program schedule & interest)

Not sure you’re ready to step into one or more of these roles? Not to worry! We’re here to help as you practice and gain comfort. If you’d like to volunteer or learn more, please email [email protected].

Donate to Tergar Minneapolis / St. Paul

Please consider making a one-time or recurring donation to Tergar Minneapolis / St. Paul. You can donate online by visiting this link.

Practice Interviews

To make practice interviews more accessible, they are offered virtually and by phone in 15-minute increments. You can visit this link to view Tergar Practice Leader availability and sign up for an interview. We ask that you please sign up 48 hours in advance. You will receive confirmation emails and reminders with more information after you sign up. Feel free to take advantage of this precious opportunity to talk about your practice with a Practice Leader. It can be very illuminating! Read more…

Prayer Requests

From time to time we, or our loved ones, may find ourselves facing challenging circumstances. In these times, we may find it helpful to have the support of our sangha. When these circumstances arise, the Minneapolis Care Team are most willing to include the person in need in their daily practice and prayers. The Care Team will hold a prayer request with love and compassion in their meditation practice for 30 days upon receiving a request. If you or a loved one would like additional prayer support after 30 days, simply submit a new request through this form. The purpose of these requests is to hold community members and their loved ones in our thoughts and prayers, not to provide emotional support. If you would like to speak with someone from the community about what’s going on you can schedule a meeting with one of our Senior Practice Leaders by visiting the link in above section. Visit this link to submit a prayer request.

Diversity and Inclusion Aspiration

As part of the commitment of Tergar International to make the teachings and community accessible for all, its Code of Conduct calls us to identify and reduce any barriers for individual participation and to actively promote equity and inclusion. As an expression of our basic goodness and interdependence, we at Tergar Minneapolis-St. Paul embrace these callings to support a vibrant and healthy community.

Ongoing Programs

The Joy of Living Program
The Joy of Living is a course of meditation training that is open to people of all religious and cultural backgrounds. Learn more about Joy of Living Workshops and Retreats.

Exploring Buddhism Program
Exploring Buddhism is a study program that covers the core teachings of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. These teachings address the full spectrum of Buddhist thought and practice, starting with teachings on the Four Noble Truths and leading up to the philosophy of Vajrayana Buddhism. Read more…

Path of Liberation Program
The Path of Liberation builds on the foundational teachings of the Joy of Living, presenting a course of Buddhist study and meditation practice rooted in the ancient teachings of Tibet. Learn more about Path of Liberation Workshops and Retreats.

Contact Us

Email: [email protected]

Steering Committee

Tergar Minneapolis-St. Paul (MSP) Steering Committee
The Tergar MSP Steering Committee meets monthly and it is comprised of representatives of various areas of local operations. To request minutes, for more information, or to provide input, please email the Tergar MSP Community Coordinator at [email protected].

Suggestions and Comments for Tergar Minneapolis/St Paul Steering Committee
If you would like to offer input to the Steering Committee and others in Tergar Minneapolis/St Paul leadership, please follow this link.