Tergar Minneapolis / St. Paul
Under the guidance of Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, Tergar Minneapolis / St. Paul holds drop-in meditation groups, retreats, workshops, and classes on meditation and Tibetan Buddhism. This page provides information on Upcoming Events and Ongoing Programs. We invite you to join us!
Please join our local newsletter email list if you are interested in staying updated on what is happening within the Tergar Minneapolis / St. Paul community. Another way to stay connected within the community is by joining our Slack channel.
Upcoming Joy of Living 1 & 2 with Stephanie Wagner
Meditation is known for its profound emotional and physical health benefits. What’s more – regular practice can enhance areas of the brain linked to self-awareness and compassion!
These transformative practices are the focus for our upcoming two courses, led by Stephanie Wagner, NBC-HWC—Senior Tergar Facilitator, Tergar Curriculum Specialist, Trainer for the Tergar Meditation Teacher Program, and Board-Certified Integrative Health and Well-Being Coach.
Whether you're new to meditation or looking to deepen your practice in a supportive community, this online course provides expert guidance to help you deepen a connection with your innate awareness, loving-kindness, and compassion.
Please click on the registration links below for more details. Feel free to reach out to Stephanie if you have any questions: stephanie.wagner@tergar.org.
Calming the Mind – Joy of Living Level 1
Monday, February 17, 2025, 6:30 PM CST
Click here to register.
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Opening the Heart – Joy of Living Level 2
Wednesday, April 2, 2025, 6:30 PM CDT
Click here to register.
Ongoing Meditation Groups
If you are a beginning meditator and would like to learn more, or if you are a seasoned practitioner and would like to deepen your practice, please join us as we explore the practice of meditation.
We have two weekly online practice groups – Tuesday Joy of Living and Saturday Nectar of the Path.
Weekly Online Tuesday Night Joy of Living Meditation Group (follow link to learn more)
Day: Tuesday
Time: 7pm – 8:30pm US Central Time
Meeting ID: 893 228 428
Password: Tuesdays
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/893228428?pwd=ZzNaTDJCa3VVQXpjWVJNTlVyYnU2QT09
These sessions are free and open to all
Join our newsletter or contact minneapolis@tergar.org for information on how to join.
Weekly Online Saturday Nectar of the Path Practice
Day: Saturday
Time: 11am – 12:30pm US Central Time
This practice includes a discussion period from 11am – 11:30, where participants can discuss their experiences with this practice, followed by the practice session that begins at 11:30am. Click here to find out more about the Nectar of the Path.
You can locate and download the practice materials for this group by clicking here.
This is session is free and open to all of Mingyur Rinpoche’s students.
Meeting ID: 981 9611 9609
Passcode: NOP
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/98196119609?pwd=aEpZQS8rOHpFeUpKeW1zOGlKU3FXdz09
Join our newsletter or contact minneapolis@tergar.org for information on how to join.
Quarterly Half-day Retreats
We offer quarterly half-day retreats. Details about the next retreat will be posted soon.
If you would like to volunteer, please contact mspsteering@tergar.org for more information.
Prayer Requests
The Minneapolis Care Team will hold a prayer request in their meditation practice for 30 days upon receiving a request. Click here to submit your prayer request.
Practice Interviews
You can schedule a meeting with one of our Senior Practice Leaders by clicking here.
Please contact us via email at minneapolis@tergar.org.
To sign up for the Tergar Minneapolis Newsletter, please click here.
Slack Channel You can join our community Slack Channel as another way to stay up-to-date with community happenings.
If you would like to designate donations to Tergar Minneapolis St. Paul to support our continued growth and programming that will benefit you and our extended community, you can do so here!