Madison Tergar Community

Under the guidance of Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, Tergar Madison holds weekly drop-in meditation groups and public talks, as well as periodic retreats, workshops and classes on meditation and Tibetan Buddhism. Please join us! 

Joy of Living
Weekly Meditation Group

Tuesday Evenings, 7:00—8:00pm

Offered as a hybrid event via zoom and in-person. Please check our weekly news for the links in more detailed information or email [email protected].

If you are a beginning meditator and would like to learn more, or if you are a seasoned practitioner and would like to deepen your practice, please join us every Tuesday evening as we explore the practices of mindfulness and compassion meditation.

*Community Nights: the first Tuesday of each month includes a 60-minute teaching/practice session followed by a 30-minute social period with snacks provided.

Weekly Meditation Groups

Wednesday Abhidharma Discussion Group. This discussion group meets via Zoom every second and fourth Wednesday of the month from 4 pm to 5:30 pm with rotating moderators and topics. For more information, please contact [email protected]

Friday Open Meditation Group -every Friday morning at 8 am. Join our in-person Open Meditation Group with one hour of unguided meditation followed by one hour of shared reflections. We alternate between Wingra Park on the west side of town and Burrows Park on the east side of town. If the weather is not good for an outside meeting, we will meet at the Tergar Center on Blount Street.An email is sent out on Thursday with the location for the following day.To join this group, please email  [email protected]

Sunday Nectar of the Path Practice, the second Sunday of the month from 10:30 am to noon. FREE and open for everyone. In-person only. This is a monthly opportunity to come together with Tergar Madison friends to practice the Nectar of the Path at our center. This concise and beautiful liturgy was written by our guiding teacher, Mingyur Rinpoche, in 2010 at the request of his students. It captures the essence of many key aspects of Tibetan Buddhism in a lovely practice that involves contemplation, meditation, and chanting in both Tibetan and English. The practice will be led by a volunteer Umdze (chant leader). It is a one-hour practice that is open to all.   

Abhidharma Dharma Talk

This talk will be offered twice a month on Thursdays and is led by guest speakers such as Cort, Kasumi, Scott, John, and others. These meetings will be FREE and open to everyone. The talk will start at 7 pm and be held at our center at 301 S. Blount St. but can also be accessed via zoom.

If you are interested in Buddhism or are taking part in the Tergar International online Abhidharma Course, this talk is for you. If you have any questions, please email [email protected]

OM Cancellations
TMad has an open meditation cancellation email group used by administrators to notify community members when sessions will not be held; this group is used for this purpose only.

To join this list and receive periodic cancellation notices, please follow please follow this link, click “Apply for membership,” and fill out the short form. You will need a free Google login to join the group.

For upcoming events and programs please go to our online calendar.

Calming the Mind - Joy of Living Level 1

Meditation enables us to transform all experiences, even difficult emotions and painful thoughts, into sources of joy. The modern world has become fascinated with the practice of meditation. With all the hype and glossy images on magazine covers, it would be easy to think that meditation is about sitting in the right posture, using a special technique, or forcing the mind to be calm or relaxed all the time. But the real power of meditation isn’t in the method. It’s in shifting our perspective.

The key to this shift in perspective is awareness. In this 6 week workshop series we will learn to transform our experience by exploring sensations, thoughts, emotions, and even awareness itself as supports for meditation.

This program offers step-by-step instructions that will benefit those new to meditation and inspire those who have an existing practice. The schedule for this workshop includes video teachings by Mingyur Rinpoche, presentations by Tergar Guide Scott Anderson, as well as guided meditations and discussion. It is suitable for people of all faiths, as well as both beginning and experienced meditators.

When :

Wednesday evenings, 7 - 8:30 pm Central Time

January 15 - February 19

Please plan to attend all six sessions. Sessions will not be recorded.


This Event will be offered in a Hybrid format: Online via Zoom
or - if you happen to be in the Madison area - you are more than welcome to attend in person.

Tergar Madison Meditation Community at 301 S. Blount Street, Madison, WI

Register Here

The Path of Wisdom:

Transforming the Self through Insight Meditation

with Dr. Cortland Dahl

This is a Hybrid Event.

Insight Meditation offers a profound path to understanding yourself and the world with greater wisdom and clarity. In this daylong retreat, you will explore cutting-edge research and ancient meditative teachings on the cultivation of wisdom, learning practical skills to see beyond the mind’s habitual patterns and develop a greater sense of clarity and insight. The focal point of our exploration will be the self. Through practical teachings, guided meditations, and supportive discussions, you will explore how insight meditation can help you unravel limiting beliefs, develop a rich inner life, and empower you to navigate life’s challenges with curiosity and wisdom.

Open to all levels, this in-person event offers teachings, guided meditations, and time for reflection.

When :

Saturday, February 8, 2025

9 am - 5 pm Central Time


Tergar Madison Meditation Community at 301 S. Blount Street, Madison, WI

Register Here


301 S Blount Street, Suite 104, Madison, WI 53703
Click here for a parking map

Email: [email protected]
FaceBook: Tergar Madison
SoundCloud: Tergar Meditation Community

Suggestions and Comments for Tergar Madison Leadership:
If you would like to offer input to the Board of Directors and others in Tergar Madison leadership, please follow this link.

Donate to Tergar Madison

Please consider making a monthly or one-time donation to Tergar Madison. You can donate online at our secure site using a credit card, debit card or PayPal by clicking the donate link below, or mail a check, made out to Tergar Madison, to:

Tergar Madison
PO Box 70754
Madison, WI 53707-0754

If you have donation-related questions, please contact us at the above address or email us at [email protected].

Tergar Programs

Joy of Living Workshops and Retreats
The Joy of Living is a course of meditation training that is open to people of all religious and cultural backgrounds. Tergar Madison offers regular workshops and retreats related to the practices of mindfulness, compassion, and insight meditation. Read more…

Exploring Buddhism
Exploring Buddhism is a study program that covers the core teachings of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. These teachings address the full spectrum of Buddhist thought and practice, starting with teachings on the Four Noble Truths and leading up to the philosophy of Vajrayana Buddhism. Read more…

Path of Liberation
The Path of Liberation builds on the foundational teachings of the Joy of Living, presenting a course of meditation practice rooted in the ancient teachings of Tibet. Tergar Madison holds regular activities for Path of Liberation practitioners. Read more…

If you have questions about Tergar Madison programs, please send an email to [email protected].