During the time of the COVID-19 pandemic:
Joy of Living online practice every Monday from 7:30-8:30 pm on Zoom. For more information please contact: [email protected]
Our group has been meeting since March 2018, when we offered Mingyur Rinpoche’s 4-part Introduction to Meditation series.
Where: Currently we meet on Zoom, but when conditions allow we hope to return to meet in Hertzliyah Pituach, at the Meditation Factory, which is located at 27 Maskit Street, second floor. Click here for a map.
When: Monday evenings at 7:30pm
Exact dates and any changes in schedule are posted on our Facebook page, Tergar Tel Aviv Practice Group.
The group is open to all people who have an interest in meditation and is on a secular basis. There is currently no charge for attending the group.
New people are kindly requested to contact Miriam Maisel on 052-640-3509 or at [email protected].