Tergar St. Augustine, Florida

Meditation Group Details

The Joy of Living Program
The Joy of Living is a course of meditation training that is open to people of all religious and cultural backgrounds. Learn more about Joy of Living Workshops and Retreats. Our regular meditation group explores meditation techniques designed to calm the mind, open the heart, and awaken wisdom. Our meetings are free and open to all. If you are new to meditation and would like to learn more, or if you are a seasoned practitioner and would like to deepen your practice, please join us as we learn how to transform the challenges of day-to-day life into sources of joy and inner peace. Each session includes guided meditations and group discussion. Feel free to drop in anytime!

When: Every Wednesday 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Eastern time zone (US)
Contact: staugustine@tergar.org

Nectar of the Path Group Practice
This practice, written by Mingyur Rinpoche in 2010 while on retreat at St. John’s in Minnesota, covers many of the core elements of Buddhist teachings, with chants, aspirations, and meditation practice. This is open to everyone. At the same time, please note that this is a “Buddhist” practice: it is based on the fundamental Buddhist concepts of refuge, bodhicitta, and relationship to the teacher. More information on the practice can be found here: learning.tergar.org/2016/04/23/nectar-of-the-path/

When: Every Monday 6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Eastern time zone (US)

Tergar Code of Conduct

Upcoming Events
