Medford Tergar Community

Under the guidance of Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, the Medford Tergar Community holds regular meetings and community events in Medford, Oregon. As a community of friends exploring the practice of meditation, we gather regularly to practice meditation, study, and host video workshops of Mingyur Rinpoche led by Tergar instructors.

Meditation Group Details

Our group meets every Monday from 6:30-8 pm Pacific Time. We meet online via Zoom. Sign up for our newsletter for the weekly topic, suggested reading, and Zoom login info.

Our meetings are free and open to all, and you can drop in at any time. Each session includes guided meditations and group discussion. Please join us as we learn how to transform the challenges of day-to-day life into sources of joy and inner peace.

If you have any questions or would like join our weekly meeting, send us an email at or join our newsletter. The newsletter has our Zoom information as well the topic for the week and announcements of upcoming events. If you would like to receive the newsletter, send us an email or click the link below. We look forward to meeting you!

When: Every Monday, 6:30pm–8pm Pacific Standard/Daylight Time
Where: Online via Zoom
Group Coordinator: Shawn Davis
Phone: 541-282-3656